Follow us on Twitter or check back regularly to find out where we will be next. PQSecure works hard to educate and inform. Security solutions are rapidly changing and evolving and we want to keep everyone informed of the latest news and updates. Feel free to reach out or come talk with us at any event.
Dr. Reza Azarderakhsh will be speaking at SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing about Integrating PQC with Quantum Key Distribution (QKD): Performance, Security, and Practical Challenges, Orlando, FL, April 13-17, 2025. |
PQSecure Experts will be speaking at ICMC25 about Formal Verification and Assurance in Hardware for Post-Quantum Cryptography, Toronto, ON, Canada, April 7-10, 2025. |
PQSecure Experts will be presenting at GOMACTech2025 about SCA-Protected HW/SW Co-Design of Post-Quantum Stateful Hash-Based Signatures, Pasedana, CA, March 17-20, 2025. |
Experts from PQSecure spoke at IHP (Institut Henri Poincaré) Workshop on Emerging Topics in Design and Cryptanalysis of Post-Quantum Schemes, Paris, France, November 4-8, 2024. |
Experts from PQSecure spoke at Q+AI (Quantum + AI) about Quantum AI and Cybersecurity, New York City, NY, October 29-30, 2024. |
Experts from PQSecure spoke at ICMC24 about Post-Quantum Cryptographic Hardware Engineering, San Jose, CA, September 18-20, 2024. |
Dr. Azarderakhsh spoke at GLSVLSI 2024 about Recent Advances of Post-Quantum Cryptographic Engineering, Tampa Bay Area, FL, June 12-14, 2024. |
PQSecure spoke at ETSI/IQC Conference about PQC in Hardware and Challenges for Secure Implementations, Singapore, May 14-16, 2024. |
PQSecure attended RSA Conference 2024, San Francisco, CA, May 6-9, 2024. Check out Dr. Azarderakhsh speak about side-channel and fault injection attacks against PQC algorithms here. |
Dr. Azarderakhsh chaired a session at HOST24 about Post-Quantum Hardware Security, Washington, D.C., May 6-9, 2024. |
Dr. Azarderaksh spoke at Riscure Workshop Day 1 about the Future Evolution of Post-Quantum Cryptography, Austin, TX, April 30, 2024. |
Dr. Azarderakhsh spoke at IQT The Hague about Challenges of Integrating PQC in IoTs, The Hague, Netherlands, April 22-24, 2024. |
PQSecure presented at GOMACTech 2024, Charleston, SC, March 18-21, 2024. |
Dr. Azarderakhsh spoke at ACNS2024 Workshop on Secure Cryptographic Implementation, Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 5-8, 2024. |
PQSecure attended CES 2024, Las Vegas, NV, January 9-12, 2024. |
Dr. Azarderakhsh spoke at Q2B about PQC and Deployment Challenges, Silicon Valley, CA, December 5-7, 2023. |
We spoke at ICMC Conference 2023 about Challenges of PQC CHIPS for and Deployments. Ottawa, Canada, September 21-23, 2023. |
We spoke at Q2B Workshop 2023 on PQC Migration Challenges and Business Opportunities, Paris, France, May 3-4, 2023.
Invited to talk at Quantum Beach on Considerations in Migrating to Post-Quantum, Miami, FL, March 2-3, 2023. |
We spoke at ISO/IEC 19790 2023 at on PQC and Side-Channel Countermeasures and Challenges, March 11, 2023.
We spoke at RSA 2023 at RSAConference2023 on Efficient and Side-Channel PQC KRYSTALS, April 24-27, 2023.
We Spoke at IQT23 and moderated a panel on PQC Users and products in The Hague, The Netherlands, March 13-15, 2023. |
We spoke at IQT22 and moderated a panel on PQC Users and products in New York City, NY, October 25-27, 2022. |
We spoke at RSA 2022 at RSAConference2022on Migrating to Post-Quantum Cryptography, June 6-9, 2022.
We spoke at NIST’s upcoming Third PQC Standardization Conference about our paper “Quantum-Safe Hybrid Key Exchange for Small Devices”. This conference was held June 7-9, 2021. |
We spoke at the Microchip Mi-V Virtual Summit Conference 2021. This conference was held June 20-21, 2021. |
We organized a panel at Inside Quantum Technology – New York about Quantum Technology, 5G and the Telephone Industry.
We spoke at the Inside Quantum Technology – New York Conference during the Quantum technologies in the automotive and aerospace industry. This conference was held from May 17-20, 2021.
Release: May 21, 2021
PQSecure’s discussion on hybrid cryptography and recent progress
“As billions of dollars are being spent globally to build the world’s first large-scale quantum computer, which could induce major advances in science, technology, finance, and more, the world is also preparing for the negatives, a complete break in the foundational security of the internet and other digital applications. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)…”
Release: May 6, 2021
Members of PQSecure recently wrote a paper on recent hardware deployment of hybrid PQC. This paper shows an efficient combination of SIKE with ECC. The paper can be found here.
Invited to speak at ETSI/IQC Quantum Safe Crytography on Quantum-safe Cryptographic Deployments in Hyper-scale and hyper connected IoT settings online, February 18-19, 2021. |
Invited to talk at NIST-NCCoE Virtual Workshop on Considerations in Migrating to Post-Quantum Cryptographic Algorithms, online, October 7, 2020. |
Invited to talk at ICMC20 on Post-Quantum Cryptography Based on Isogenies and Progress in Hardware in Bethesda, Maryland, April 28-May 1, 2020. Come talk to us. (Rescheduled virtually for September 21-24 due to COVID-19) |
Release: August 18, 2020
2020 Cade Prize Fibonacci Finalist
Release: July 27, 2020
NIST Announces Round 3 Candidates, SIKE Remains
“On July 22, 2020, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) finally announced the long-awaited Round 3 finalists for their post-quantum standardization process. Of the 69 algorithms that survived initial scrutiny and made it into the start of Round 1 back in 2017, Round 2 saw this field cut to 26 candidates and now Round 3 has cut this down to 15. These 15 are further broken down into what NIST refers to as “finalists” and “alternates”, where the alternates could be standardized during a Round 4. Round 3 is expected to last approximately 12-18 months. In addition …”
Invited to speak at Inside Quantum Technology on Post-Quantum encryption software in New York City, NY, June 1-5, 2020. (Rescheduled for virtual only due to COVID-19)
Dr. Azarderakhsh spoke at Microchip’s Shields Up! webinar series about Post-Quantum Suite-Q for Embedded Devices on May 21, 2020.
Attended RSAConference 2020 in San Francisco, CA, February 24-28.
Release: February 12, 2020
PQSecure’s discussion on the NIST PQS process, candidates, hybrid schemes and more
“Post-Quantum cryptography refers to cryptographic algorithms that are secure both classically and against attacks using quantum computers, when they arrive. Governments and high-tech companies are spending large sums of money building these quantum computers with some success from companies like Google, IBM, and others. The large-scale quantum computers needed to break internet encryption are not available today, but that day is fast approaching. …”
Release: February 1, 2020
PQSecure joins Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C)
The Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C), which aims to enable and grow the U.S. quantum industry and associated supply chain, has over 100 participants, including PQSecure Technologies. QED-C brings industry together to identify high impact applications and gaps in the enabling technologies, standards, and “quantum ready” workforce needed to realize those applications. QED-C also provides an industry voice to the government agencies that have a role in advancing quantum information science and technology. PQSecure Technologies is excited to be part of QED-C and part of the future quantum economy. Quantum computers will also be able to break the security of current internet and connected online infrastructures. Quantum-safe solutions will be required to make our connections secure now and at the age of quantum computers. Please talk to us as we have quantum-safe solutions for your applications.
Dr. Reza Azarderakhsh’s Inside Quantum Technology Interview can be found here. |
Invited to speak at ETSI/IQC Quantum Safe Crytography on Cryptoanalysis of Known and Attempted Attacks on SIDH and SIKE in Seattle, WA, November 5-7, 2019. |
Invited to speak at ETSI/IQC Quantum Safe Crytography on New Performance Results for SIKE in Resource-Constrained Environments in Seattle, WA, November 5-7, 2019. |
Invited to speak at ARM Research Summit 2019 on Post-Quantum Cryptography in ARM Cortex M Series in Austin, Texas, September 15-17, 2019. |
September 1, 2019: PQSecure was awarded an NSF SBIR Phase II Award. |
Invited to speak at CHES 2019 on Isogeny-Based Cryptography in Hardware in Atlanta, Georgia, August 25-28, 2019. |
Invited to speak at Microsoft Research Cryptography group on SIKE in Hardware for IoT in Redmond, WA, June 17, 2019. |
Invited to talk at ICMC19 on Post-Quantum Cryptography Based on Isogenies and Progress in Hardware in Vancouver, Canada, May 14-17, 2019. Come talk to us. |
Invited to present our company at the Florida Early State Capital Conference in Orlando, FL, May 9-10, 2019.
Gave a talk at Inside Quantum Technology on PQC Software Markets in Boston, Massachusetts, March 19-21, 2019. |
10th Annual Cade Prize Sweet 16 Finalist.
Panelist for Computing Community Consortium for Identifying Research Challenges in Post Quantum Cryptography Migration and Cryptographic Agility in Washington, D.C., January 31-February 1, 2019.
Invited to Present our Company at the Florida Aerospace Capital Forum, November 14, 2018. |
Gave a talk at ETSI/IQC Quantum-Safe workshop 2018 on Performance of Quantum-Safe Isogenies on ARM Processors, in Beijing, China, November 6-8, 2018 |
Gave a talk at ARM TechCon 2018 on Performance of Quantum-safe Cryptography in Arm Devices in San Francisco, CA, October 16-18, 2018. |
Gave a talk at ARM Research Summit 2018 on Post-Quantum Isogeny-based Cryptography on ARM processors in Cambridge, UK, September 17-19, 2018. |
Panelist for Computing Community Consortium for Leadership in Embedded Security workshop in Baltimore, Maryland, August 12-13, 2018. |
Gave an invited talk in ICMC’18 about our hardware solutions for post-quantum cryptography in Ottawa, Canada, May 8-11, 2018. |
Gave a talk in RSA’18 conference in Cryptographers’ track in San Francisco, CA, April 16-20, 2018. |
PQSecure received funding from National Science Foundation through SBIR Phase I program. |